
settling time中文是什么意思

  • 安定时间
  • 安装时间
  • 沉降时间
  • 澄清时间
  • 还原时间
  • 建立稳定时间
  • 建起时间沉淀时间
  • 沈降时间
  • 校正时间
  • 置位时间



  • 例句与用法
  • Studies on settle time of materiel in the disc type continuous drier
  • Turn - on settling time ? a change in voltage over a specified time interval after the power is applied
    基准器件加电后,规定时间里输出电压的变化(变化幅度或变化率) 。
  • Turn - on settling time is important for portable battery systems that conserve energy by powering the circuitry only for short periods of time
  • Popped corns can be added to milk to increase the settling time in the stomach , which can improve the absorb rate of the nutrition
  • Factors that affect system speed include the triggering time of the hardware , the relay actuation and settling times , and software overhead
  • The first one is founded on traditional dual - slope conversion while considering the non - ideal effects such as settling time to extend the measurable range below 0 . 5ns
    第一种是根据传统的双斜率转换并同时考量安定时间等非理想因素而将可测范围向下延伸至0 . 5奈秒。
  • Simulations results indicate that the optimized controller based on the evolutionary principle of gas outperforms the conventional one greatly in overshoot , settling time and mean square error
  • Abstract : this paper developed time domain integral constraints on error response for siso feedback control systems caused by nominal plant ' s near cancellation of stable pole - zero near the j - axis . these integral constraints should be satisfied by any feedback control systems . these integral constraints give new insight into the inherent trade - offs . it will result in the settling time longer or the infinite norm of the error response larger when there are near cancellations of stable pole - zero near the j - axis . hence , when feedback control systems are designed , it is necessary to avoid the compensator ' s poles and zeros nearly cancelling the nominal ' s zeros and poles ( even if these poles and zeros are stable )
  • Based on the study of r - 2r resistor network , a new precision resistor network is also presented . and the high - speed current switch , reference ampler , bias circuit are described in terms of their design principles and circuit structures . this architecture implements the 8bit d / a converter and the settle time achieves 110ns
    针对高速的要求,在研究r - 2r电阻网络基础上设计了一种新型精密电阻网络;同时着重阐述了包括八个匹配的共射极电位不变的电流开关、基准放大器、偏置电路等在内的基本单元电路的设计原理和结构。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
The settling time of an amplifier or other output device is the time elapsed from the application of an ideal instantaneous step input to the time at which the amplifier output has entered and remained within a specified error band, usually symmetrical about the final value.
  • 其他语种释义
  • settling timeとは意味:整定時間{せいてい じかん}、修正時間{しゅうせい じかん}、沈降時間{ちんこう じかん}
  • 推荐英语阅读
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